Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Interview with ColorChromatic!

-Who is CC? Where are you from? How did you all meet? Did you know each other before CC?

CC: ColorChromatic is Loki- guitar, voice. Tony- Bass. Ramy-Drums. we are inglewood/westchester area.
ramy- i used to play in a ska band called lenins landlords with tony, and i actually met loki at our first show. soon our singer called it quits, and by this time i was living with loki and we decided to ask loki to be in the band. it was called revival sound.. then our guitar player "quit" and we become ColorChromatic.
loki- I jammed with ramy at Lenins Landlords first show and met Tony formally at the last show. Skrimp and I had to talk Ramy into letting me sing in the band. Ramy finally caved and we eventaully phased out or mar vista base/demographic because it was no longer profitable.

-How would you describe your overall sound?

CC: ramy- weird, chaotic, funx and harmony. punx.
loki- Sonically, we are what happens when a unstoppable fork meets an immovable steak. a mixture of loud moments and quiet moments.

-What does CC stand for? What central theme do the lyrics revolve around?

CC: tony- names ColorChromatic... oneword two words thr eew ords
loki- ColorChromatic is an idea that came once while playing notes chromatically on a guitar and experiencing them as shapes, colors and tastes. Synesthesia, for you brainiacs. To transpose that moment into a musical movement was my goal in starting this band.Also, our constant evolution is what sets us apart. i personally do not wish to convey any message other than contradiction. Contradiction sheds light on all.

-What does CC have under their belt? Time to brag fellas, aha.

C: ramy- we are just finishing up writing our full length, and we are going to be putting out an LP via my label Olhar De Vidro Records (, as soon as we do that we just wanna tour and write some more. we have been talking about all the future releases we are going to do.. mostly split EPs with some friends.
tony- one EP, three tours
loki- what ramy said.

-What has been some of the most MEMORABLE shows up to date?

CC: ramy- for me best show out of LA was at the Garfield house on the "fuck the man tour 0-wine" with CDXX. so many of our friends were there.. it was just an amazing show. As far as LA id say december 30th. it was with all of our friends at hyde park half ( we played with ordstro, deers!, burn idols and matsuri. such an amazing show. obviously we are all about friends haha
tony- GINS' HOUSE last day of tour! and Costco parking lot as Revival Sound
ramy-OH! definetly gins house. shit was SIQ!
loki- every show had its moment

-If you guys could have a 'DREAM' tour who would you play with and where would you tour?

CC: ramy- MOLDAR reunion tour, we would tour the world.
tony- agreed
loki- Taylor Swift

-What are some of the most HILARIOUS moments for CC? Inside jokes?

CC: ramy- coasters 09, CHRIOOOOSSSS. craig=/. SANTA CRUST.
tony- rubber duckies...they give you boners. stick in pokes
ramy- Karnda never did get those back....
loki- Stealing Bras from unsuspecting rougues. Waking up and being uncomfortable in a van with the stinkiest people that matter. CoChro 09

-What should CC fans be excited for in the next couple months?

CC: ramy- full length and tour
loki- Different Tunings?

-What do you guys love to eat? Any particular places you remember from being on tour that you'll never forget?

CC: ramy- i love tofu. fucking SIAGON SANDWICHS in SF. thats all that matters.
tony- wing stop!
loki- SAIGONa and Dim Sum in SF. Simply Wholesome in inglewood. Wingstop..EVERYWHERE. FREE BIRDS in Santa BarBRAH!
ramy- yaaaa simply wholesome.

-Thanks for the interview! Any Last words?

CC: ramy- fuck craig, RAAAAAMMMMEZZZZZ!!! listen to matsuri, calculator, deers!, ordstro, SUMMER VACATION, burn idols. support local distro KYEO SPEAKS, and please check out up the vegan punx?
tony- really up the vegan punx????
loki- Listen to yourself and make sure you arent lying. Dove Sta Memora.
ramy- JD salinger is fucking dead

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