Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Interview with Second to Last!

-Hey whats up guys? So what can you say about Second to Last? Where are you from?

STL: Hmmm.Well I can tell you that we are five kids all 18 and under that are from Lodi,CA which is about 30 minutes south of Sacramento.We've been together with this line-up since July of 2009.

-July 2009? WOW you guys have sure made progress since then haha. Whats coming up for you guys with the band?

STL: Haha.Yes, I guess you could say that.Well we're about to go into the studio with our good friend Scott Goodrich of Hear The Sirens to record a tour exclusive EP that everyone can pick up on our west coast tour from March 16th-27th and on Anchor Eighty Four's webstore.The tour starts in San Diego and ends in Olympia,WA.After tour we plan on hitting the studio again to put out a split with our brothers in The Story So Far that will be out late spring.And from there on out we hope to be on the road as much as possible.

-That sounds like a PLAN, What do you guys like to listen on a regular basis? Influences?

STL: Oh boy.I can honestly say that the band we are constantly listening to and are influenced by are The Movielife.That band means alot to us and has a huge influence on our sound.Right now Mark and I have been wearing out our friends in The Wonder Years new record.It's awesome and they're a bunch of super rad guys.Personally some of the bands I listen to on a regular basis are Descendents,The Bouncing Souls,Brand New,Crime In Stereo and Strike Anywhere.

-Yeah I heard about you guys playing their Record Release Show for The Upsides, legit. Whats the most memorable show you guys have played?

STL: Well honestly,not just to sound sappy or cheesy,but in some way just about every show has been memorable to us.Just to be able to be playing shows regularly and have kids show up and buy merch or sing our songs or whatever it may be is special.But these last two shows we did this week have been memorable.To be able to play with and be able to get to know a band like The Wonder Years that I've been listening to since freshmen year is super cool.We just played a show with The Story So Far to 300 kids in their hometown and that was a blast as well.

-HAHA thats sickk, What does Second to Last have under their belt?

STL: Haha what do you mean?Besides our three gold records and our tour coming up with brokencyde?

-Thats exactly what I'm talking about! haha well, What can STL brag about? Lets see how well you can brag fellas. =]

STL: Haha.Ohh geeze.We don't have a whole lot.For the most part all i can say that I'm proud of is that we try our best to work hard and put out music that's honest and not just catchy or that's going to sell well.That's about all haha.Annddd maybe the fact that our town has some gorgeous women.

-HAHA, What do you guys do on your free time? Work? School?

STL: Well four of us are still in highschool and our guitarist is taking online courses at a local community college.So that's pretty much what we do or in most cases don't spend time doing.On our free time we hang out with friends,go to shows,or get boners off Avatar.We're pretty normal kids as far as our activities go.

-NICE, What are the lyrics about mainly? What message do you guys try to send to the average kid out there?

STL: Well I'd say that we just or I just try to be honest.The lyrics are about everything a 17 would be angry about.A shitty scene,school,girls,the town we live in.I think if someone were to read our lyrics they'd be able to get a glimpse of what we're about and what we stand for and are against and everything in between.

-Thanks for the Interview do you guys have any last words?

STL: Just thank you very much for your time!And check out all our friends in bands and Anchor Eighty Four Records and keep your eyes and ears open for news!

Check them out at: myspace

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